Assistant Lecturer

Email: euphrasia.ndi@catucl.org


Euphrasia was born on the 28th of December 1987 at the then Bamenda Provincial Hospital, North West Region Camerooon, to Ayuk Glory Agbor from Mamfe and Ndi Oscar Tegwi from Batibo. She attended Catholic primary school Ngomgham from 1992-1999 and Government Secondary Shool Mankon from 1999-2004, where she obtained her Ordinary Level Certificate in General Education (G.C.E O/L). She obtained her Advanced level certificate (G.C.E A/L) in 2006 after completing two (02)academic years in Presbyterian Secondary School (P.S.S) Bafut. She then proceeded to do her bachelor and master’s degree in Accounting from the University of Buea in 2009 and 2012 respectively. She worked as an Account controller in Afriland First Bank (AFB) from 2011- 2013 and thereafter, resigned to pick up the position of an Assistant lecturer and Head of Department (Accounting) in National Polytechnic Bamenda in the academic year 2013/2014. She is currently an Assistant Lecturer in the Accounting department of Catholic University of Cameroon, Bamenda, since 2014/2015 academic year. She is married and a mother of three children


School Attended Qualification Obtained Awards received
Catholic School Ngomgham Common Entrance

First School Leaving Certificate (FSLC)

Government Secondary School (G.S.S) Mankon Cameroon Ordinary Level Certificate (G.C.E O/L)
Presbyterian Secondary School (P.S.S) Bafut Cameroon Advanced Level Certificate (G.C.E A/L) Best school prefect

Best junior student carer (Big)

University of Buea BSc. Accounting

MSc. Accounting

University of Bamenda DIPET II in Information Management and Communication  
Johanna Briggs Institute, University of Adelaide, Australia (distance learning) Comprehensive Systematic Review Training (JBI-CSRT)  

 Working Experience:

Job title Significant duties
Afriland First Bank (Account controller, 2011-2013) ·       Daily Account Control

·       Account reconciliation

·       Periodic Inventory valuation and audits

·       preparation of financial statements


Catholic University of Cameroon, Bamenda (Assistant lecturer2014-date) ·       Lecturing of Accounting, Finance , Economics

& Management courses

·       Examination setting, invigilation and correction of scripts

·       Supervisor of internship reports, term papers and long essays

·       Participate in faculty and university seminars

and workshop

ü  Mentoring and coaching of students

Cameroon Consumer Service Organisation, CamCoSO (Deputy team lead, 2016-date ) n  Co-direct the association in all matters with third parties and during public ceremonies

n  Convene and preside over meetings of the association

n  Conceive, realise and manage projects in collaboration with other board of directors

Organisation & facilitation of consumer’s right protection Workshops/Seminars/Events

Effective Basic Services (eBASE), Africa (2018-date) Data collection

Preparation of financial statements

Conducting Systematic reviews

Organising and Facilitating training workshops

Initiative for Social and Economic Development, ISED (Country Director, 2019-date)

Membership of professional bodies:

Research Interest:

Research Interest Position in the project Collaboration/sponsorship/funding Development stage
Evidence based teaching and learning:

1. Improving educational attainment in children aged 3-18 years in Middle Africa (“We Attain Project”)

2. Using Community Evidence Home Schools (CEHS) to achieve Early learning (pre-school) intervention benefits for children aged 3-5 years in fragile communities. Case of Cameroon



1. Lead researcher

2. Project coordinator



1.   Education Endowment Foundation (EEF)

2.   Initiative for Social and Economic Development (ISED)



1. Sponsors just completed an acquaintance visit to Cameroon. Funding deal still to be concluded .

2. Pilot

Evidence Based health care

1. Practicals methods of engaging young consumers (patients and carers) in the use of healthcare evidence. Case of Cameroon



1. Project coordinator


1. Cochrane Collaboration

Submitted proposal for biding contest
Local Governance

1. Traditional Youth Councils as a tool to promote community peace and development

Principal Investigator none Proposal development

Conferences and Workshops:

Conference/Workshop Abstracts presented Role/Involvement
Cochrane Colloquium 2018, Uk: PATIENT INVOLVED Strengthening Citizens Voice and Participation in Health Governance Processes in Cameroon through global partnerships Co-author
Health Technology Assessment international (HTAi) 2019: Annual Meeting, Cologne Germany HTA Approaches for Performance Based Finance in LMIC: An Evidence Implementation Approach Co-author

Publications (Journal Articles and Books/Book Chapters):

Publication Publication type
1. Mobile-based technologies to support healthcare provider to healthcare provider communication and management of care

2. Non-corticosteroid adjuvant therapies for acute bacterial meningitis

3. Pressure modification for improving usage of continuous positive airway pressure machines in adults with obstructive sleep apnoea

4.  Preconception care for women with epilepsy: A mixed methods review

5. Pay for performance for hospitals

6. Ethical case interventions for adult patients

7. Non-pharmacological interventions for stuttering in children age 0-6

8. Pro-coagulant haemostatic factors for the prevention and treatment of bleeding in people without haemophilia

9. Granulocyte-colony stimulating factor administration for subfertile women undergoing assisted reproduction

10. Pharmacological interventions for painful sickle cell vaso-occlusive crises in adults

Review (Peer reviewer)
HTA Approaches for Performance Based Finance in LMIC: An Evidence Implementation Approach Conference presentation
Strengthening Citizens Voice and Participation in Health Governance Processes in Cameroon through global partnerships Abstract eBook