
Email: jn.mungwe@catuc.org


Born on the 23rd April, 1973 in Efah –Batibo, married and have 5 children


Date Certification Specialization University/Institution
2013-2016 PhD Nuclear, Energy, Science and Technology (STEN) Politecnico di Milano
2006-2007 M.Sc. Energy Systems and Management University of Flensburg-Germany
1994-1998 B.Sc. (Hons) Physics

Computer Science (minor)

University of Buea
23 November – 4 December 2015 Certificate Integration of renewable energy solutions in the Mediterranean electricity markets Politecnico di Milano/Enel Foundation
Sept.- Nov. 2009 Certificate Energy for Sustainable Development (Obtained online) University of Lund Sweden
February 2008 Certificate Design of Pelton Turbine S. +M. JankTurbinenBau


February. 2007 Certificate Introduction to Renewable Hydrogen Pure Energy Centre, Unst-Shetlands- UK
February 2007 Certificate Field Study on Renewable Energy  Highlands and Islands Community Energy company/ University of Flensburg

Working Experience:

State your work experiences mentioning the significant duties you carried out

Period Institution Responsibilities
March 2019 till date National Higher Polytechnic Institute, University of Bamenda ·     Senior Instructor at the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
2016 – 2017 Catholic University of Cameroon, Bamenda

P.O. Box 782 Bamenda


·     Head of Department Electrical and Electronic Engineering.

·     Lecturer.

2012 -2016 Politecnico di Milano


·     Research Fellow UNESCO Chair in Energy for Sustainable Development

·     Assistant lecturer.

2010 – 2012 Catholic University of Cameroon, Bamenda

P.O. Box 782 Bamenda



·      Instructor.

·      Acting Head of Department of the Department of Electrical and Electronic in the School of Engineering.

·      Member of the Senate Standing Committee for Research and Cooperation.

·      Representative of School of Engineering to the Senate.

2008 -2010 Action pour un Développement Equitable Intégré et Durable (ADEID)BP 1352 Bafoussam Cameroon


·      Technical Advisor on Renewable Energy projects and Climate Change

·      Seminar Coordinator and Project Developer.

1998 -2006 Presbyterian Education Authority

Presbyterian Church in Cameroon (PCC)

·      Teacher Presbyterian Comprehensive High School Kumbo

·      Teacher Presbyterian High School Batibo

§  Teacher Cameroon Protestant College Bali Cameroon, Member of the School Disciplinary Council Cameroon Protestant College (CPC) Bali

§  Students’ House Master Cameroon Protestant College (CPC) Bali

§  Discipline Master Presbyterian High School (PHS) Batibo

§  Chairperson School Examination board, Presbyterian High School (PHS) Batibo

§  Students’ Preparatory Master Presbyterian High School (PHS) Batibo

§  Member of the School Disciplinary Council Presbyterian Comprehensive High School (PCHS) Kumbo.

§  Member of the School Disciplinary Council Presbyterian High School (PHS) Batibo

§  Students’ social Master at Presbyterian Comprehensive High School (PCHS) Kumbo

Promotions and Awards

  • Promoted in 2019 to the rank of Lecturer by Arrete no.19-00008/MINESUP/SP-CCIU Du 22 Jan 2018 by Commission ScientifiqueSpecialiseé des Sciences de l’ingienieur: Thermodynamics etEnergétique.
  • Appointed Head of Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, School of Engineering, Catholic University of Cameroon, CATUC, Bamenda by decision CATUC/06/00279/VC/DVCA/REG/laf of 04 October, 2016.
  • Awarded Research Grants at the Department of Energy Polictecnico di Milano on 21 January 2013, renewed for two consecutive years till 2016.

Research Interest:

Access to energy in Developing countries, via the use of renewable energies and technologies (solar, micro hydropower plants, biogas)

Research Projects carried out

  • Thermal energy efficient at the St. Theresa Catholic Health Centre complex in Bafut Sub Division, North West Region of Cameroon.
  • Electrical energy self-sufficiency based on local renewable energy resources at the St. Theresa Catholic Health Centre complex in Bafut Sub Division, North West Region of Cameroon.
  • Feasibility studies for the development of a micro hydropower plant for powering of a mini-grid for electrification of Adiemukong village in Bafut Sub Division, North West Region of Cameroon
  • January – February 2010: Project supervisor of construction of community micro hydropower plants in Wabane and Quibeku village in the South West Region.
  • 24th -27 March 2010: Coordinator of International Seminar on Climate Change and Renewable Energy Technology on the theme “Building Local Capacity in Biogas Technology” at the Emmanuel Sisterhood Bafut- NW Region-Cameroon organised by ADEID and sponsored by EvangelischerEntwinklungsdienst (EED) ( eed.de ).
  • 18th November 2009: Coordinator of International Seminar on Climate Change on the theme “Local Financing of Renewable Energy Technologies” at Hotel Franco Yaoundé-Cameroon organised by ADEID and sponsored by EvangelischerEntwinklungsdienst (EED)( eed.de
  • June- September 2009: Project Manager of World Wide Views on Climate Change, WWViews-Cameroon (wwviews.org )
  • 10th – 12th March 2009: Coordinator of International Seminar on Climate Change on the theme “Climate Change, Renewable Energy Technologies, Food, Water and Energy Crisis” at the National Higher School of Engineer (ENSP) Yaoundé-Cameroon organised be ADEID and sponsored by EvangelischerEntwinklungsdienst (EED) ( eed.de  ).

Membership of professional bodies:

  • Energy for sustainable Development under UNDP

Conferences and Workshops:

  • . African Network for solar Energy (ANSOLE) Cameroon conference, November 2016, University of Bamenda- Biogas Technology in Cameroon: Challenges and Opportunities.
  • IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference 2014, San Jose, California USA- Domestic Biogas in Developing countries
  • Biogas compact course and workshop at University of Oldenburg-German, from 7th -13th April 2013.

Publications (Journal Articles and Books/Book Chapters):

  1. N. Mungwe,Emanuela Colombo, Fabrizio, Andrea Schievano; The fixed dome digester: an appropriate design for the context of Sub-Sahara Africa? Biomass and Bioenergy 95 (2016) 35 – 44, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.biombioe.2016.09.007. Available online at www.sciencedirect.com
  2. N. Mungwe, L. Bandiera, D. Accorrona, E. Colombo, “Sustainable Energization of Rural Areas of Developing countries: A Comprehensive Planning Approach”. Africa-EU Symposium on Renewable Energy Research and Innovation, RERIS 2016, 8-10 March 2016Tlemcen, Algeria Energy Procedia, Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/j.egypro.2016.07.148. Available online at www.sciencedirect.com
  3. N. Mungwe, Stefano Mandelli and Emanuela Colombo, “Community pico and micro hydropower for rural electrification: experiences from the mountain regions of Cameroon”, AIMS Energy, 4(1): 190-205. DOI: 10.3934/energy.2016.1.190 available online at http://www.aimspress.com/journal/energy
  4. N. Mungwe, E. Colombo; “Domestic Biogas Systems in Developing Countries. Performance and Selection of the appropriate Design for mass dissemination” Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (IEEE) Global Humanitarian and Technology Conference (GHTC), 10-13 October 2014, San Jose California (USA). Available online at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/
  5. N. Mungweand F. Riva, “Cooking technologies” in Eds. J. Barbieri, E. Colombo (eds.), Guidelines on sustainable energy technologies for Food utilization in humanitarian contexts and informal settlements, ISBN: 978-88-941226-0-2, 2015

F. Mapelli, J.N. Mungwe; “Modern energy services for cooking: from Improved Cookstoves to Domestic and Community based Biogas Systems” in E. Colombo, S. Bologna, D. Masera (eds.), Renewable Energy for Unleashing Sustainable Development, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-00284-2_1, _ Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014.