
School of Tropical Agriculture and Natural Resources - STANR


Be a leader in the education, research, improvement and preservation of Tropical Agricultural and Natural Resource Systems.


Train and prepare professionals to be leaders, innovative and productive stewards of Agriculture, Natural Resources, Food Sciences and Nutrition.

Provide opportunities for individuals to achieve excellence in scholastic and research activities.

Promote and contribute to the building and sustainability of food production systems to ensure optimal nutrition and food security.

Provide opportunities to individuals and groups to preserve and intelligibly exploit soil fertility.


The professional trained in the School of Tropical Agriculture and Natural Resources should be able to:

  • Understand and apply modern and traditional agricultural and veterinary techniques.
  • Analyze human and animal nutrition problems in his environment and propose appropriate solutions through plant and animal production, as well as their optimal utilization.
  • Adapt different methods to various problems especially in a rural context (Spirit of initiative and creativity)
  • Popularize agricultural, conservational, dietary and veterinary techniques.
  • Create and manage profitable enterprises in the realm of agriculture and dietetics.
  • Engage in development according to the social teachings of the Catholic Church.
  • Conduct scholarly scientific research activities.


In order to achieve the objectives of the programmes, the school is enriched with professionals who teach the core/professional and foundation courses.

For the achievement of the practical component of the programs, the school has at its disposal well equipped and well manned laboratories which include physics, chemistry and life-Sciences laboratories; research/applied laboratory, drawing Room, fish ponds, piggery, poultry and demonstration farms.

Employment Opportunities

Graduates may progress into a range of related occupations including farm, estate and countryside managers, agricultural suppliers, animal technicians, welfare officers, dieticians, animal health officers, food scientists and nutritionists. Other career opportunities include state agricultural agencies, food processing firms, catering, healthcare facilities, industries and a wide variety of scientific, educational and service enterprises, including new product development, quality assurance, food research, food marketing, education and extension.

Admission Requirements

Before being admitted to any of the degree programmes, a candidate must satisfy the minimum entrance requirements of the university (5 subjects at the GCE Ordinary Level or equivalent including English Language) and must additionally satisfy the special course requirements of the School (a pass in mathematics and physics at GCE Ordinary Level or equivalent). The qualifying subjects must include passes in biology and chemistry at the GCE Advanced Level or equivalent.

Alternatively, admission shall be granted to holders of HND/Diploma from the STANR or from other institutions (e.g. various schools of agriculture etc.) recognized by the University Senate. Such candidates shall enter the programme at the second year of study unless otherwise specified by the STANR.

Requirements for Graduation

The School grants the Bachelor of Science (B. Sc) Degree in the different areas of specialization listed below. Students working towards any of the degrees must earn a total of at least 240 credits. A minimum cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.0 is required for graduation.

We offer a spectrum of courses in the Soil-Plant-Animal-Water-Environment continuum in the traditional areas of natural resources; animal, crop and soil sciences, and food and nutrition sciences. The academic programmes in each of these areas have been designed to be dynamic and responsive to current dietary, agricultural and natural resources trends and challenges. The student, working with an academic advisor, will find (within a science-based, hands-on approach that includes community engagement and research work) flexible options from which to specialize.

Undergraduate Programs

The undergraduate program is a four year curriculum with a compulsory six months internship as specified below. A total of 240 credits (60 credits per year) at least are required for graduation.

Besides fulfilling these requirements, students must undertake a research project in their chosen field of specialization in the fourth year.

Specializations in the Undergraduate Program

A Bachelor of Science Degree shall be offered by the School in the following areas of specialization: (currently, only the first four (4) areas are in operation)

  1. Agronomy (Crop Production Science)
  2. Animal Science (Animal Production Science)
  3. Food Sciences and Technology
  4. Agricultural Economics, Extension and Rural Sociology

Execution of the Programs

In order to produce graduates that have a mastery of all aspects of agricultural sciences, all students shall spend the first two years undergoing the same training and taking fundamental common courses that are crucial to all fields of effective modern agricultural production, business management, postharvest treatment and utilization of foods before specializing in any of the above nine options.

Internship and Industrial Experience

A total of 6 months of supervised internship experience in any approved agro-industry or relevant establishments is required from every undergraduate before the date of graduation. Attestations providing details of each internship session (lasting not less than 6 weeks) from a pre-approved relevant organization/institution must be presented to the corresponding Department or Research Officer of the STANR for evaluation. This is in addition to the six months project work to be done during the eighth semester before graduation. Consult your department or the Research Officer of the STANR for confirmation before the start of internship. Previous work experience in a relevant field can be accepted in lieu of such internships.


The Department of Crop and Soil Sciences consists of three major programme areas of Crop Sciences, Horticulture and Soil Sciences that share a common mission of education, discovery, and communication to improve the understanding and management of plant and soil systems. At the undergraduate level the department offers majors in Crop Sciences, Horticulture and Soil Sciences.

The undergraduate degree programme in soil sciences is designed to build up knowledge progressively starting from Soil Genesis to Soil Management providing necessary theoretical background in Soil Physics, Soil Chemistry, Soil Mineralogy, Soil Microbiology, Soil Survey and Classification, Plant Nutrition, Soil Fertility and Land Use. Practical applications of all the courses address agronomic and environmental concerns giving equal emphasis on both.

Laboratory and field practical sessions are integral components of all courses. Through these sessions, students develop skills to analyze soil, plant, manure, fertilizers and water and subsequently make judgments on their suitability for food production based on the availability of nutrients, and organic and inorganic contaminants.


The mission of the Department of Crop and Soil Sciences is to improve the understanding and management of plant and soil systems that are the foundation for food and fiber production, environmental quality, and community well-being. We educate students regarding stewardship of these systems, preparing them for fulfilling private- and public sector employment; we discover answers to complex problems that threaten sustainable land use through science-based research; and we communicate our findings through scholarly publications and relevant outreach programs.


The Department of Crop and Soil Sciences will lead to the development and application of science-based knowledge for understanding and managing diverse and sustainable landscapes for food and fibre production, critical ecosystem functions (e.g., water and air quality, biodiversity, climate stability), and community well-being. The Department will continue to be responsive to developing problems but will seek to be forward looking and proactive in the stewardship of plant and soil resources. To accomplish this vision the Department must expand multidisciplinary teams to address critical regional, national and international needs (that have significance in Cameroon). We strive to evolve our learning and outreach activities to address current and future economic, social, and technological developments and maintain an active dialogue with managers of rural and urban landscapes.


To produce agriculturalists who are well grounded in the sciences of crop production and the management of soil fertility.

Areas Covered

  • Crop Science
  • Soil Science
  • Horticulture

Employment Opportunities

Career opportunities in the crop and soil sciences specialties include:

  1. Agronomists
  2. Plant breeders and genetics
  3. Plant Pathologists and related disciplines
  4. Soil Scientists
  5. Extension and rural sociologists
  6. Agribusiness manager
  7. Food technologists
  8. Farm managers
  9. Pasture managers
  10. Weeds specialists
  11. Plant biotechnologists

Find challenging work with the soil conservation service, the extension service or Private Industry.

Horticulturists (manage a personal business as a retail or wholesale nurseryman, florist, landscape contractor or fruit and vegetable grower) even in relation with firms or companies that sell chemicals, fertilizers, and seed stock.


The Department of Animal Science (DANS) is the brain trust of the School of Agriculture and Natural Resources (STANR) in the domain of animal protein.

Qualification Offered: Bachelor of Science (B. Sc.)Degree in Animal Science

Duration of the Program: 4 years (8 semesters)


The mission of DANST is to prepare future animal scientists to graduate with sufficient intellectual, technical and environmental appropriation of all required aspects of Animal Production and Health Management, Animal Product Technology, Aquaculture and Fisheries, and Domestication of Nonconventional Livestock.


To enhance the quality of human life, through developing Animal Science to ensure the sustainability of production systems and to conserve the natural resources, animals and environment for future generations, as well as to inform public understanding as well as cooperate with other institutions with the aim of blossoming as a center of excellence in our various specialties.

Our goal is for our graduates to become self-emulating in livestock, poultry and fishery enterprises keeping in mind their motive to remain responsible, up-to-date and problem-solving crafters. More specifically, DANST aims to:

  • Develop programmes as well as routine updates in the areas of Animal Science, Animal Products, Agricultural Biochemistry/Biotechnology, Agricultural Chemistry, and Specialist extension and Mini livestock conservation
  • Turn out production-oriented graduates in our field through practical oriented and, local and international relevance, capacity building and training
  • Produce personnel who are capable of teaching, initiating and, conducting environmentally relevant and sustainable research
  • Produce graduates for both public and private sectors, as well as successful entrepreneurs.
  • Produce extension workers, to organize extension linkages and activities. Organize gender studies in our field and collaborations including on-farm, on-village on-urban adaptive research
  • Carry out research in various aspects of our field including collaboration and external linkages.
  • Engage in Local and International related shows, exhibitions, exchanges, programmes and academic linkages
  • Provide a forum for the discussion of scientific, social and educational problems relevant to the development of animal production and health, Food Science and Technology, Agric Biochemistry and Nutrition, among others.
  • Support the publication of scientific and educational materials related to our discipline, and establish a Documentation Centre and data bank on tropical Animal Science.


The Department is envisaged to create and maintain a rare collection of poultry breeds including layer and broiler grandparent stocks, turkey, guinea fowl, quails and pigeons and a hatchery at the department premises. A Livestock Field Station will be established based on the principles of integration to maintain dairy cattle, goats, sheep, ducks, rabbits, swine, fresh water fish, guinea pigs and micro livestock species including deer, crocodiles, porcupine, snails, cane rats and wild pigs.

Research programmes of the Department will be focused directly on livestock development of the country at both national and small farmer levels. The major areas of research interests are: Reproduction, lactation and environmental physiology; processing, quality control and development of various meat and dairy products; livestock based farming systems including duck-fish integration systems; genetic evaluation and genetic diversity of livestock breeds and crosses; investigation of nutritive and supplementation values of tree fodders and legume based pastures; evaluation of rabbits and micro-livestock for meat production; and aquaculture and fisheries.

Laboratory facilities of the Department shall in future include a feed and herbage laboratory which is well equipped to carry out feed analysis, a digestibility and metabolism research unit for ruminants, a physiology laboratory for blood metabolite analysis, semen evaluation and radio immunoassay studies on reproduction and lactation physiology, a dairy and meat product technology laboratory, an arboretum and pasture museum, and aquaculture facilities.

Objectives of the Degree Program

  1. To produce skilled graduates who will be able to apply modern technology to breed and rear animals including fish and other aquatic species at commercial scale, participate in marine fishing and processing, preserve and market fish in large scale for human consumption and other purposes.
  2. To train potential animal scientists, equipping them with knowledge and ability to competently work in all areas of the rapidly expanding animal industry.

Areas of Specialization

Students will specialize in one of the following two areas:

  1. Animal Science
  2. Fisheries

Requirements for Graduation

Students working towards the degree must earn at least 240 credits. A minimum cumulative grade point average of GPA.2.0 is required for graduation.


The Department of Food Science and Technology conducts teaching, and basic and applied research in different aspects of Food Science, Human Nutrition, Biotechnology, and Food Technology. The Department plays an important role as the lead-department in offering the Bachelor of Science Degree in Human Nutrition & Dietetics, Food Science & Technology.

The Department is engaged in teaching for the four years of its undergraduate degree programmes. The Department shall be engaged in scholarly research on relevant topics including food analysis for quality and nutritional characteristics, assessment of food contaminants and adulterants, dietetics/nutrition therapy, studies on food processing and preservation to improve food quality, development of new food processing technologies, studies on aflatoxin detoxification in foods and feedstuffs, microbiological and toxicological studies of smoked meats and fish, modified atmospheric storage of local fruits, and glycemic index of food, amongst others.


The Department of Food Sciences and Technology offers training covering the following fields of study:

  • Food science
  • Biotechnology
  • Analytical Chemistry
  • Food Microbiology
  • Food technology
  • Dietetics/nutritional sciences and
  • Postharvest technology

The training is offered at the undergraduate level. The Department, therefore, aims at producing well trained graduates, provided with the knowledge and skills, to meet the manpower requirements of the food industry, healthcare sector, post-harvest handling systems and various nutritional aspects depending on the degree programme.

Further, the Department will carry out both basic and applied research geared particularly towards solving local problems. It shall also contribute to the development of healthcare and food-related sectors in the country and the region through training, extension and consultancy services.

Objectives of Human Nutrition & Dietetics specialty

The course in designed to provide flexibility in career choices. By focusing on a range of areas, from food product development to applied nutrition, it offers preparation for a variety of careers in the food and medical industry and related fields.

Thus the objectives of the Bachelor of Science Degree in  Human Nutrition & Dietetics are:

  • to acquire an understanding of the functions of the nutrients in the health of humans and/or animals
  • to learn to formulate nutritionally balanced diets for humans and/or animals under different conditions of health, physiology, age, sex and profession
  • to learn to apply nutritional principles in the evaluation of information and policies concerning foods and dietary practices

Objectives of Food Science and Technology specialty

This course provides an understanding of the practical side of food processing, product development, quality management and applied nutrition in the food industry. It enables students to develop key analytical and professional skills, as well as management and marketing skills.

With a strong practical focus, you work with many ingredients and use food processing equipment that reflects key industrial processes. These include retorts (industrial pressure cookers) used to make heat sterilized products, and freezing equipment for manufacturing ice cream, etc.

Industrial projects and food industry case studies are a key feature of the final (fourth) year.

Student learning involves seminars, workshops, projects and laboratory sessions, while work placements are required as a valuable way of increasing industry knowledge and experience and provide opportunities to put into practice what has been learnt on the course and to develop new skills.

The Department of Food Science and Technology offers undergraduate curricula in the following areas:

Bachelors of Science Degree in Nutrition and Dietetics

Bachelors of Science Degree in Food Science and Technology

The professional Bachelor of Technology Degree course in Human Nutrition and Dietetics is designed for students who are interested in dietetics, clinical nutrition practice and catering management. This programme includes various courses in human nutrition and dietetics and requires four years of undergraduate study with practical experience coordinated during the senior year.

Career Options for Nutritional Sciences Majors

Opportunities for students with a major in Nutrition vary widely depending on one’s primary area of interest. For example, besides self-employment, students can find jobs in research or technical sales/service in a feed or pharmaceutical company. They also may work for a livestock or poultry producer in research and development or production. A nutrition major would benefit those seeking self-employment and positions in the food industry, extension service, as a science or health science educator as well as someone interested in pursuing an advanced degree.

Students interested in a career in human nutrition/dietetics can find positions in hospitals, wellness centres, health departments, school systems, industry, and private practice.  An advanced degree in public health would benefit those interested in working on nutrition-related public policy and legislation.

Jobs are available for Nutritionists and Dietitians in hospitals, government agencies, community health services, medical clinics, health maintenance organizations, and long-term care, teaching of nutrition, work in public health and regulatory agencies and food service facilities.

The B.Sc. Food Science and Technology is designed for students who seek employment in industries relating to food processing, manufacturing and quality control of food products, research and development and teaching. Further, this curriculum provides an excellent preparation for those wishing to pursue graduate studies.  It is designed for people interested in using the latest in food manufacturing to turn agricultural commodities into products that consumers want to buy.

General Entry Requirements

A candidate wishing to be admitted into any of the above Degree programmes must satisfy the minimum university entry requirements and School of Tropical Agriculture and Natural Resources (STANR) regulations.

Alternatively, admission shall be granted to holders of a Diploma in Food Technology from other institutions recognized by the University Senate. Such candidates shall enter the programme at the second year of study unless otherwise specified by STANR.

Course Duration

All the above Bachelor’s Degree courses are designed for four years full-time including a six months work placement with accompanying research and report.



The mission of the department is to produce well trained, well-disciplined and fully qualified graduates at both undergraduate and post-graduate levels, who are of international repute in the discipline of Agricultural Economics, Agricultural Extension, and Rural Sociology, and are capable of successfully facing all the challenges of these disciplines.

Objectives of the Department

The objective of the Department is to train students at undergraduate and postgraduate levels in the fields of Agricultural Economics, Agricultural Extension, and Rural Sociology for the immediate consumption of both the public and private sectors. The undergraduate programme also prepares its graduates for postgraduate studies.

Career Opportunities for Agricultural Economics Graduates

Agricultural Economists are more micro-economics oriented and they easily find jobs in the following sectors of the economy.

  • Accounting
  • Agriculture
  • Breweries, distilleries and bottling plants
  • Cigarette manufacturing
  • Food processing mills
  • Governments and NGOs
  • Information Technology
  • Pulp and paper industry
  • Saw/lumber mills and wood products
  • Textile processing and manufacturing, logistics and supply chains
  • Leather tanning, foot wear and hand bag production
  • Cooperatives
  • Research
  • Government and parastatal agricultural institutions and programmes
  • Teaching in universities and rural development training centres

Agricultural Extension and Rural Sociology specialists usually serve in the bottom three in the above list. However, first degree graduates of the department can serve in openings in any of the departments listed above.


There is no specialization in the department at the undergraduate level. At the graduate level, specializations are envisaged in the future to be in Agricultural Extension Education, Rural Sociology and Agricultural Economics. Other possible fields of specialization include: Production Economics/Farm Management, Agricultural Marketing, Agricultural Finance, Agribusiness Management, Development economics, and Quantitative Methods.

The Departments of Forestry, Wildlife and Fisheries; Agricultural Management Systems; Agricultural Biology (including entomology, plant pathology, Nematology, virology, etc.) and Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences are not yet functional.

A total of 6 months of supervised internship experience in any approved agro-industry or relevant establishment is required of every undergraduate before graduation. Previous work experience in a relevant field can be accepted in lieu of such internships.

We offer the following Specializations in STANR

Program Duration Start Date
4 years (8 Semesters)
October of each year
4 years (8 Semesters)
October of each year
4 years (8 Semesters)
October of each year
4 years (8 Semesters)
October of each year
2 years (4 Semesters)
October of each year
2 years(4 Semesters)
October of each year
2 years (4 Semesters)
October of each year
2 years (4 Semesters)
October of each year
2 years (4 Semesters)
October of each year
2 years (4 Semesters)
October of each year