Food and Nutrition Science Program

SPECIALTY : Food and Nutrition Science
DURATION : 4 years (8 Semesters)
DEGREE IN VIEW : Bachelor of Science (BSc)
DEPARTMENT : Food Science and Technolgy
SCHOOL : School of Tropical Agriculture and Natural Resources (STANR)
Category : Undergraduate
The Department of Food Science and Technology conducts teaching, and basic and applied research in different aspects of Food Science, Human Nutrition, Biotechnology, and Food Technology. The Department plays an important role as the lead-department in offering the Bachelor of Science Degree in Human Nutrition & Dietetics, Food Science & Technology.
The Department is engaged in teaching for the four years of its undergraduate degree program. The Department shall be engaged in scholarly research on relevant topics including food analysis for quality and nutritional characteristics, assessment of food contaminants and adulterants, dietetics/nutrition therapy, studies on food processing and preservation to improve food quality, development of new food processing technologies, studies on aflatoxin detoxification in foods and feedstuffs, microbiological and toxicological studies of smoked meats and fish, modified atmospheric storage of local fruits, and glycemic index of food, amongst others.
Program Objectives
The Department of Food Sciences and Technology offers training covering the following fields of study:
- Food science
- Biotechnology
- Analytical Chemistry
- Food Microbiology
- Food technology
- Dietetics/nutritional sciences and
- Postharvest technology
The training is offered at the undergraduate level. The Department, therefore, aims at producing well trained graduates, provided with the knowledge and skills, to meet the manpower requirements of the food industry, healthcare sector, post-harvest handling systems and various nutritional aspects depending on the degree programme.
Further, the Department will carry out both basic and applied research geared particularly towards solving local problems. It shall also contribute to the development of healthcare and food-related sectors in the country and the region through training, extension and consultancy services.
Objectives of Human Nutrition & Dietetics specialty:
The course in designed to provide flexibility in career choices. By focusing on a range of areas, from food product development to applied nutrition, it offers preparation for a variety of careers in the food and medical industry and related fields.
Thus the objectives of the Bachelor of Science Degree in Human Nutrition & Dietetics are:
- to acquire an understanding of the functions of the nutrients in the health of humans and/or animals
- to learn to formulate nutritionally balanced diets for humans and/or animals under different conditions of health, physiology, age, sex and profession
- to learn to apply nutritional principles in the evaluation of information and policies concerning foods and dietary practices.
Objectives of Food Science and Technology specialty:
This course provides an understanding of the practical side of food processing, product development, quality management and applied nutrition in the food industry. It enables students to develop key analytical and professional skills, as well as management and marketing skills.
With a strong practical focus, you work with many ingredients and use food processing equipment that reflects key industrial processes. These include retorts (industrial pressure cookers) used to make heat sterilized products, and freezing equipment for manufacturing ice cream, etc.
Industrial projects and food industry case studies are a key feature of the final (fourth) year.
Student learning involves seminars, workshops, projects and laboratory sessions, while work placements are required as a valuable way of increasing industry knowledge and experience and provide opportunities to put into practice what has been learnt on the course and to develop new skills.
The Department of Food Science and Technology offers undergraduate curricula in the following areas:
Bachelors of Science Degree in Human Nutrition and Dietetics
Bachelors of Science Degree in Food Science and Technology
The professional Bachelor of Technology Degree course in Human Nutrition and Dietetics is designed for students who are interested in dietetics, clinical nutrition practice and catering management. This programme includes various courses in human nutrition and dietetics and requires four years of undergraduate study with practical experience coordinated during the senior year.
General Entry Requirements
A candidate wishing to be admitted into any of the above Degree programmes must satisfy the minimum university entry requirements and School of Tropical Agriculture and Natural Resources (STANR) regulations.
Alternatively, admission shall be granted to holders of a Diploma in Food Technology from other institutions recognized by the University Senate. Such candidates shall enter the programme at the second year of study unless otherwise specified by STANR.
Career Opportunities
Opportunities for students with a major in Nutrition vary widely depending on one’s primary area of interest. For example, besides self-employment, students can find jobs in research or technical sales/service in a feed or pharmaceutical company. They also may work for a livestock or poultry producer in research and development or production. A nutrition major would benefit those seeking self-employment and positions in the food industry, extension service, as a science or health science educator as well as someone interested in pursuing an advanced degree.
Students interested in a career in human nutrition/dietetics can find positions in hospitals, wellness centres, health departments, school systems, industry, and private practice. An advanced degree in public health would benefit those interested in working on nutrition-related public policy and legislation.
Jobs are available for Nutritionists and Dietitians in hospitals, government agencies, community health services, medical clinics, health maintenance organizations, and long-term care, teaching of nutrition, work in public health and regulatory agencies and food service facilities.
The B.Sc. Food Science and Technology is designed for students who seek employment in industries relating to food processing, manufacturing and quality control of food products, research and development and teaching. Further, this curriculum provides an excellent preparation for those wishing to pursue graduate studies. It is designed for people interested in using the latest in food manufacturing to turn agricultural commodities into products that consumers want to buy.
The tuition fee per year is 502,500 CFAF. To read more about fees click here.