

For anyone seeking to increase their job prospects or to make a change in their career direction, CATUC is the place for you! We prepare our postgraduate students for bigger and more confident strides in the academic world but also for their professions. Our preparation starts from the time you enquire if our programmes are right for you and our support continues to the application process, during your stay at the university and as you search for your first job.

At the Masters level, our programmes have been designed to facilitate the acquisition of additional knowledge and skills in a field of your choice needed for employment, research, teaching and other scholarly activities. With the help of a mentor, you will set your own learning objectives within the framework of the degree programme and enjoy the benefits of both independent and collaborative learning as you work on your own and with other students and staff to achieve your objectives.

At the Doctoral level, our programmes will enable you achieve a high level of scholarly competence. You will be able to develop the capacity to make valuable contributions to knowledge in your field. As a Doctoral student, we expect you to pursue your studies with a greater degree of independence.

We set high expectations for our postgraduate students and value the contributions which they make to improve the quality of teaching and learning and the professional quality of our programmes.

Postgraduate programs currently available in CATUC

  • MBA Human Resource Management and Development
  • MBA Project Management, Design and Implementation
  • MBA Banking, Tax Administration and Financial Services
  • MSc Health Economics, Policy and Management
  • MA Philosophy
  • MA Anthropology
  • PhD Health Economics
  • PhD Philosophy
  • PhD Anthropology

Masters of Business Administration (MBA)

General information

Our MBA program will enable you acquire the knowledge, cross functional skills, and competence required for successful practice of management and leadership.

You are expected to complete the MBA programme within two academic years. During the first year you will study the compulsory core courses from the different branches of management. In the second year, you will have the opportunity to choose one out of the three specializations offered, which include: Human Resource Management and DevelopmentProject Management, Design and Implementation; and Banking, Tax Administration and Financial Services. Also, you are expected to complete data collection for the thesis, write it up and defend within the second academic year.

In order to obtain a Master of Business Administration, you must complete a minimum of 120 credits.

Entry Requirements

You will be required to have the following:

  • An earned Bachelor’s degree from a recognized University.
  • A minimum Grade Point Average of 2.5 (Second Class Honours, Lower Division) on a scale of 4.0 in all previous studies.
  • A minimum of two to three years of working experience, depending on your responsibilities.
  • An English Language proficiency certificate if your first language is not English.
  • If you have a foreign certificate, you will be expected to apply to the Ministry of Higher Education for equivalence.

Master of Health Economics, Policy and
Management (HEPM)

General information

The HEPM programme provides the foundation for the understanding of health economics as applied in the wider context of health services research in Cameroon and Africa in general. You will meet qualified and experienced researchers and professionals who are devoted to pass knowledge and expertise through practical projects. You will also have the opportunity to meet with visiting lecturers from our partners, locally and abroad, who visit regularly to share their experiences with both students and staff.

By the time you complete this programme, you will be able to:

  • Demonstrate advanced knowledge and understanding of the principles and methods of economic evaluation
  • Demonstrate advanced knowledge of health economic methods applied to health policy or decision analysis
  • Identify, assess and critically synthesize relevant evidence from health economic research literature

You are expected to complete the HEPM programme within two academic years. In order to obtain a Master of Health Economics, Policy and Management, you must complete a minimum of 120 credits.

Entry requirements

You will be required to have the following:

  • An earned Bachelor’s degree in any related discipline from a recognized University. Preference will be given to those with Bachelors in Biosciences, medical doctors, health related disciplines, Economics and Management.
  • A minimum Grade Point Average of 2.5 (Second Class Honours, Lower Division) on a scale of 4.0 in all previous studies. If you do not meet this criterion but have at least five years of professional working experience in a health related field or other academic discipline, you will be considered for enrolment on condition that you take supplementary courses prescribed by the Department.
  • An English Language proficiency certificate if your first language is not English.
  • If you have a foreign certificate, you will be expected to apply to the Ministry of Higher Education for equivalence.

Masters of Philosophy

General information

The vision of this program is to know, appreciate and defend the dignity of the multi-dimensional human person in a relativistic world, with a bias to African culture. The five major areas available within the programme include: History of Philosophy, Systematic Philosophy, Philosophy of Religion, Cultural Philosophy and Philosophy of the Human Person. Through this programme, you will be able to:

  • Develop an analytic and critical approach to the historical and systematic themes of Christian and non-Christian philosophies.
  • Master the methodological criteria proper to philosophical knowledge and research.
  • Acquire the necessary skills for teaching philosophy at the pre-university and first-degree levels as well as other employment requiring professional philosophical training.

You must complete the program within two academic years.

Entry requirements

You will require the following:

  • An earned Bachelor’s degree in Philosophy from any recognized University or higher institution of learning.
  • A minimum Grade Point Average of 2.5 (Second Class Honours, Lower Division) on a scale of 4.0.
  • An English Language proficiency certificate if your first language is not English.
  • If you have a foreign certificate, you will be expected to apply to the Ministry of Higher Education for equivalence.
  • If you are a holder of a DIPES II, you will be required to complete a one year program before you start the Masters program.

Masters of Anthropology

General information

The Master of Anthropology program examines issues related to healthcare deliverypolitical systems and conflictssocial inequality and povertysustaining the environmentbusiness relations, and urban and rural development as well as processes of globalization. You will examine these pressing human problems, and apply your knowledge of Anthropology to recommend ways of resolving them.

You are expected to complete the program within two academic years. In order to obtain a Master’s degree in Anthropology, you must complete a minimum of 120 credits.

Entry requirements

You will require the following:

  • An earned Bachelor’s degree in Anthropology from a recognized University.
  • A minimum Grade Point Average of 2.5 (Second Class Honours, Lower Division) on a scale of 4.0 in all previous studies. If you are an Alumnus of the Department and do not meet the requirement of Second Class Honours but have at least two years of professional working experience in a Social Science field or other academic discipline, you will be considered for enrolment on condition that you take supplementary courses prescribed by the Department.
  • An English Language proficiency certificate if your first language is not English.
  • If you have a foreign certificate, you will be expected to apply to the Ministry of Higher Education for equivalence.


Postgraduate studies are scheduled to begin in the first week of January each year. Class/group teaching runs for two semesters and covers coursework for each programme of study. Classes run from 3.00 p.m. to 8.00 p.m. from Monday to Friday, and on Saturday, classes are arranged in the morning. During the first two semesters (first academic year), a modular system is followed whereby each course is covered in a month. Intensive lectures are carried out during the first week of the month. During the second week, students are given assignments (which may constitute part of their continuous assessment). On Thursday and Friday of the third week, practical or tutorial sessions are organized. Also, on Saturday of the third week, students have a continuous assessment test. The last Saturday of the month (fourth week) is reserved for written examinations. However, there are slight variations in the timetables of the various programmes as coursework in some programmes may last for up to 15 months. This does not affect the duration of the degree programme.

The third and fourth semesters (second academic year) are dedicated to practical work, workshops/conferences, research and thesis writing.

PhD Health Economics

General information

This program is geared towards producing postgraduate students that demonstrate a strong sense of Leadership, Communication, Entrepreneurship, Project planning in the domain of health, policy and management. As a full time student, you shall pursue the programme for a minimum of 36 calendar months and a maximum of 60 calendar months before being examined.

To be admitted to candidacy, you must have:

  • Completed the course work
  • Completed other minor requirements
  • Passed the comprehensive examination

In order to obtain a PhD in Health Economics, you must complete a minimum of 180 credits.

Entry requirements

  • An earned Master’s degree in Health Economics, Health Care Management, Public Health, Health Policy, Medicine, Economics, Management, International Health, Pharmacy, Healthcare Financing, Epidemiology, Biostatistics, Health Management Information Systems, Microbiology, Environmental Biology, Animal  Biosciences,  Veterinary Medicine, Nursing, Medical Parasitology, Medical Laboratory Sciences and other Health/Management related disciplines not listed above.
  • A minimum Grade Point Average of 3.0 on a scale of 4.0 in all previous studies.
  • If you are an Alumnus of the Department of Health Economics, Policy and Management (CATUC), and do not meet the requirement of a GPA of 3.0 but have a 2.4 GPA with at least three to five years of professional working experience in a health, Social Science field or other disciplines, you will be considered for admission.
  • A statement of purpose.


General information

The PhD programme in Philosophy aims fundamentally at the formation of researchers and teachers at the university level. The period of research lasts at least 3 years (6 semesters), during which the student is required to accumulate 180 credits.

To be admitted to candidacy, you must have:

  • Completed the course work
  • Completed other minor requirements
  • Passed the comprehensive examination

Entry requirements

  • An earned Master’s degree in Philosophy.
  • A minimum Grade Point Average of 3.0 on a scale of 4.0 in all previous studies.
  • If you are in the process of completing a Master’s degree in Philosophy, you may be admitted to the program provisionally if you have maintained a minimum GPA of 3.0.


General information

The program is designed to offer the opportunity for more advanced studies in the various fields of Anthropology to candidates who have successfully completed their first degree and wish to pursue further academic work. Attention is paid to the applied dimensions of the discipline. The degree programme seeks to foster the production of conceptual works of theory and promote research in the various domains of specialisations. It provides a combination of academic theory and research with professionalization.

To be admitted to candidacy, you must have:

  • Completed the course work
  • Completed other minor requirements
  • Passed the comprehensive examination

In order to obtain a PhD in Anthropology, you must complete a minimum of 180 credits.

Entry requirements

  • An earned Master’s degree in Anthropology from a recognized University.
  • A minimum Grade Point Average of 3.0 on a scale of 4.0 in all previous studies. If you are in the process of completing a Master’s degree, you may be offered provisional admission if you have maintained a minimum GPA of 3.0.
  • If you are an Alumnus of the Department and do not meet the requirement of a GPA of 3.0 but have at least five years of professional working experience in a Social Science field or other academic discipline, you will be considered for enrolment.
  • Candidates other than those holding a Bachelor’s Degree in Anthropology and related disciplines from the Catholic University of Cameroon, Bamenda shall provide full transcripts from their former institutions for consideration by the Department of Anthropology.
  • A statement of purpose

New Programmes introduced in january 2024

  • Msc. Digital Media Management
  • Msc. Humanitarian Logistics Management
  • Msc. Management and Entrepreneurship
  • Msc. Accounting


You will plan your Doctor of Philosophy degree programme with your supervisor, and this will enhance your ability to conduct research in a specialized field of education. The PhD programme involves the planning, execution and reporting of independent research at an advanced level. At CATUC, you will complete coursework for two semesters during the first year of the programme. Also, in order to ensure that you have the necessary knowledge, background and ability to complete a PhD thesis, you will take a comprehensive examination early in the programme, that is, immediately after completing the coursework.

To be eligible for graduation, you must have:

  • Completed all coursework and obtained a minimum of 180 credits.
  • Successfully presented a PhD research proposal to the PhD Committee.
  • Passed the comprehensive examination.
  • Admitted to candidacy.
  • Attended graduate seminars and presented PhD research work in a conference.
  • Published at least one scientific research article from your research work in a peer reviewed journal.
  • Written and successfully defended a thesis.