

A professional University Faculty committed to excellence in training of Management professional for a rewarding career in the Management Sciences.

Mission Statement

The mission of the faculty is to offer programmes at undergraduate-and postgraduate levels, which will develop and produce managers and other business professionals capable of using human and other resources to meet development needs and take advantage of the opportunities of Cameroon within the global context.

Objectives of the Faculty

The general objective of the faculty is to develop and offer academic programmes for the development of the intellectual and managerial potentials of its students.

Specific objectives are:

  • To provide knowledge that develops the students’ intellectual and managerial potentials,
  • To develop students’ intellectual and critical thinking ability as well as their managerial and entrepreneurial skills,
  • To foster the ability to organize, analyze and interpret information for decision making,
  • To instill and inculcate in our students, high moral standards of personal and professional behaviour, which are consistent with positions of trust and leadership in society.,
  • To imbue in students sensitivity and commitment to efficiency in the use of resources as well as to  integrity, accountability and transparency, and
  • To encourage and develop a sense of curiosity and inquiry needed for innovative thinking and the development of new knowledge.

Description and Rationale of the Programs

The Bachelor Degree programs are designed to provide specialist vocational skills linked to professional bodies’ requirements and labour market needs. The training provides a thorough grounding in the key concepts and practical skills required in the respective sub sectors and their national and international recognition by employers allows progression directly into employment. The programmes place a strong emphasis on practical skills development alongside the development of requisite knowledge and understanding in their sector. Students should be attracted to these strong vocational programmes of study that meets their individual progression needs whether this is into employment or to further study on degrees or professional courses. The overall goal, therefore, is to create hope and to awaken the students and instill in them a sense of purpose and direction. This should enable them to achieve their social, economic, cultural and environmental wellbeing in their communities in particular, and the nation at large.

The Bachelor degrees in various fields have been developed to focus on;

  • Providing education and training for a range of careers in business such as administration, personnel, marketing, finance, accounting, law, purchasing and management,
  • Providing a general qualification which allows flexibility of study to meet local or specialized needs,
  • Providing specialized options which meet the needs of the major functions in business and allow specialization with career progression and professional recognition in mind,
  • Providing opportunities for Students to focus on the development of higher-level skills in a business context,
  • Providing opportunities for Students to develop a range of skills, techniques, and attributes essential for successful performance in working life,
  • Providing opportunities for individuals in employment to achieve a nationally recognized vocationally specific qualification,
  • Providing opportunities for Students to gain a nationally recognized vocationally specific Bachelor Degrees to enter employment in business or progress to higher levels in their respective specialisations.
  • To encourage and develop a sense of curiosity and inquiry needed for innovative thinking and the development of new knowledge.

Objectives of the B.SC Qualifications

These programmes meet the needs of the above rationale by:
  • Equipping individuals with knowledge, understanding and skills for success in a range of administrative and management positions in business and related disciplines
  • Providing specialist routes of study which relate to individual professions within the business world in which Students are working or intend to seek employment
  • Enabling progression to postgraduate degrees or further professional qualifications in business or a related areas,
  • Developing the individual’s ability through effective use and combination of the knowledge and skills gained in different parts of the programmes,
  • Developing a range of skills and techniques, personal qualities and attributes essential for successful performance in working life and thereby enabling Students to make an immediate contribution to employment
  • Providing flexibility, knowledge, skills and motivation as a basis for future studies and career development in various fields.
  • Preparing professionals who will transform our society and pave the way for a more just and peaceful world.
  • To respond to society’s changing needs by making tertiary education more economically competitive and socially sustainable in Cameroon.
  • To mount functional programmes that emphasize the culture of self-employment and job creation in addition to making them relevant to existing market forces.
  • Practical or applied education and learning which is needed to build or harness the skills in the students and to enable them to become more useful to themselves and to society.

Various B.SC Programs

The Bachelor of Science Degree programmes are offered in the following five highly demanded functional areas of Economics and Management

  1. Accounting
  2. Banking and Finance
  3. Economics
  4. Management
  5. Marketing.

Graduation Requirements

In order to earn a B.Sc. in any of the disciplines, students are expected to meet the following conditions.

  • Earn a total of at least 180 credits
  • Pass all Compulsory courses and University requirements,
  • Have a GPA of at least 2.00,
  • Be of good conduct.
  • Full-time students, should not exceed three years for an honours degree and for the Part-time students, should not exceed three years for the same.

Minimum Graduation Requirements

Number of Compulsory Credits  –  108

Composite Minor / Elective    –   54

University Requirements  –   18

Total  –   180     

The B.Sc. Degrees shall be classified as follows:

  • First Class Honours
  • Second Class Honours (Upper Division)
  • Second Class Honours (Lower Division)
  • Third Class Honours
  • Pass

Assessment of Students

Students shall be assessed for their academic performance in examinations following the grading system outlined below in percentages:

Score Grade Description GPA
75 - 100
70 - 74
60 - 69
Very Good
55 - 59
50 - 54
45 - 49
40 - 44
Below 40

Students shall be declared successful in their examinations when they pass all the compulsory courses and obtain a Cumulative GPA of at Least 2.00 on 4.00.

The above grading is distributed as follows:

Continuous Assessment          30%

Class Attendance                    10%

Examination                            60%

Total                                        100%

Industrial Experience / Internship

All students will be required to do internship of 256 hours (two months) and to be evaluated as follows

Evaluation by Supervisor in the Field            30%

Evaluation of Internship Report                     50%

Evaluation by Academic Supervisor               20%

Total                                                                100%

Special Regulations for the Undergraduate Program.

English is the main language of instruction in the Faculty. Any student, who is not proficient in English, must undergo a one-year intensive English programme to qualify for enrolment in any of the faculty’s degree programmes. Every student is required to pass four credits in a second language (e.g. French for the English speaking students and English for the French speaking students) to qualify for graduation from the Faculty.

Admission Requirements into any Department of the Faculty.

Applicants are expected to obtain five (05) papers at the GCE Ordinary Level examination and at least two passes at the GCE Advanced Level or passes in the Probatoire and BAC. The subjects passed must include Mathematics and English Language at the “O” level. Preference will be given to students with “A” level passes in numerate/analytical subjects such as Accounting, Economics, Management, Marketing, Banking, Mathematics, Sciences and Geography.

In exceptional cases, applicants who do not meet the normal requirements may be considered for admission on their individual merit. Such applicants may however be required to undergo a remedial programme in specified areas of deficiency. Students are admitted generally into the faculty and not into any specific major. Students shall choose their majors at the end of their first year of studies.

The following programs are offered in this faculty

Undergraduate Programs

Program Duration Start Date
3 years (6 Semesters)
October of each year
3 years (6 Semesters)
October of each year
3 years (6 Semesters)
October of each year
3 years (6 Semesters)
October of each year
3 years (6 Semesters)
October of each year
October of each year
October of each year
3 years (6 Semesters)
October of each year
3 years (6 Semesters)
October of each year

Graduate Programs

Program Duration Start Date
2 years (4 Semesters)
January of each year
2 years (4 Semesters)
January of each year
2 years (4 Semesters)
January of each year

Apply Now for Admissions 2023

The Catholic Church has not only been at the forefront of educational provision in Cameroon from the German colonial period; she has also been a trailblazer in the provision of quality education. However, for a long time, the Church offered her educational services from nursery through primary to secondary schools only.